Monday, October 1, 2012

Nature's Finest

I spent much of Sunday hiking around the Landscape Arboretum in Chaska, enjoying the vast acreage of peaceful beauty, getting a little camera happy along the way. It's hard to resist! I have very early childhood memories of being there in the fall with my family, with visions of pumpkins and scarecrows dancing in my head. It's a very happy memory. 

Little me with my brother & mom in 1983

Since those early days, I first revisited the Arboretum during the fall of 2009, just three years ago. A flood of emotion washed over me and I cannot quite put into words what I felt, other than a strong connection with my parents. They were both graduates of the University of MN and I always imagined that they spent much of their time there, perhaps while they were dating. It's the one place that I can go and get lost for hours on end, and truly feel at peace. Literally speaking, it's my happy place. I wanted to share some of the pictures that I took yesterday. It's amazing how happy I feel just viewing the pictures alone, even though they don't quite do justice to the images in their natural setting. If only I could infuse the photographs with the same scents and sounds, even the warm breeze, that you encounter as part of the full experience...

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